Equipping Yourself and Others to Reach and Disciple the Next Generation Now...
“Will you join thousands of trained leaders, parents, volunteers and students in over 20 countries who have successfully made and multiplied disciples for 45 years through Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry? You can do it all in 8 Sessions for FREE!”
—Barry St. Clair and Team
Multiple Free Resources
2.3 billion young people globally need to know Jesus! Barry St. Clair gives to anyone who want to expand their influence with the younger generation all of the FREE online training and multi-language resources they need to reach and disciple the next generation.
When you take the “Parent Fuel Challenge” you will have what you need to ignite a fire for God inside your kids. These 7 written resources and 52 videos offered FREE– will motivate, encourage, and guide you on this most challenging adventure of guiding your children to follow Jesus.
All across America the number one place adolescents gather is on their school campus—and the best place to reach them is on that campus! This FREE “Field Guide for Campus Ministry” offers a biblical foundation, a clear strategy and specific ways for youth leaders, teachers and coaches to mobilize a Jesus movement among students.
Barry St. Clair desires to influence the younger generation to follow Jesus. He has been on the cutting edge of youth ministry for over five decades, equipping youth leaders, parents, and students in over thirty countries. Through his leadership, thousands of churches have implemented Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry strategies.