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“What People Are Saying…”


Zabulun Bujumbura - Bishop - Burundi

"Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry is a treasure! I want all of my leaders to implement this fully and I am going to lead by example."

Jeff Holloway - Former Youth Pastor in Crosby, Texas - Now a Missionary in Honduras

"In the amazing world of youth ministry programs, only Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry has given me a biblical structure that brings all aspects of my ministry onto the same page."

Mariuska Brito - Female Youth Leader - Cuba

"Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry confirmed my path with the Lord. Now I am closer to God. It has helped me to value relationships with students who are not yet believers and to invest in their lives."

Cody Harlow - Pastor - Glen Allen, Virginia

"Of all of the available approaches Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry reigns supreme. I have used it in my ministry and God has transformed our student ministry."

Onesimus Babu - Kilifi, Kenya

"Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry has revolutionized my life and ministry. Today I became a ‘Trainer of Trainers.’ I am determined even more to pass on to others what has been passed on to me."

Andre Doroshuk - Lawyer, Youth Leader - Kyiv, Ukraine

"I want to shut down my law practice and give all my time to doing God's work in youth ministry. I see such good fruit being produced from working with kids and equipping these youth leaders in Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry."

Anthon Bromotov - Youth Leader - Moscow, Russia

"The Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry training helped me understand about making disciples and how to take bold steps to do that! Now I have the tools. It’s amazing!"

Florence Fokoua - Female Area Youth Leader - Yaounde, Cameroon

"As I studied the Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry material and attended the training, everything the leaders said was exactly what I had prayed for several years. I cried the entire first day as I realized how God had answered my prayer by putting in my hands what I needed to reach the youth of my country."

Mike Cauthorne - Youth Pastor/Pastor - Mechanicville, Virginia

"Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry helped our student ministry grow deeper as I learned the value in investing in leaders. After using JFYM we saw healthy growth in discipling students."

Keith Yarborough - Youth Pastor - Winter Garden, Florida

"Because Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry is ‘Jesus specific,’ not ‘program specific,’ it has worked with every age group to accomplish our objectives."

Elio Martiz - Cuba Country Leader - Havana, Cuba

"Your investment in us through the Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry training and the work God does when we get together is like a ‘spiritual fill-up’ that fuels us for the entire year."

Israel Ngirababo--Bishop—Democratic Republic of Congo

"The Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum was one of the most important training experiences I have ever had in my life. I was so excited that I called 32 bishops representing various churches in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo and shared with them what I had learned."

Blue Bryan - Youth Pastor - Greenville, SC

"Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry lays out a biblical strategy for student ministry. It's like drinking a fresh glass of water after the bad taste of event-based student ministry."

Emanuel Ruhiza - Pastor, Regional Youth Leader - Kilgali, Rwanda

"In Rwanda only Jesus can heal our wounded hearts and broken dreams, unite our people and make us one in Him. That is why Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry could not have come at a more appropriate time. It is what Rwandan churches have been waiting for."

Hector Garcia - Inner City Youth Leader - Havana, Cuba

"Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry has taught me to see Jesus as the model of my ministry—to relate to Him and to people deeply. Relationships are the essence of this strategy."

Jeff Chadwick - Regional Missionary - Houston, Texas

"Through the Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry training our eyes were opened to the simple principles that Jesus used in making disciples. Our student ministry experienced transformation."

Joseph Chiteri - School Principal/Pastor - Nairobi, Kenya

"Every time l think of Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry, I bless God for Barry and ask myself whether Barry really knew what he was coming up with when he was penning this powerful training."

Avery - USA - High School Student

"The Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry training at Revolution Community has greatly affected my relationship with Jesus Christ—especially in prayer. We pray over each other. Now my relationship with Jesus is solid."

Betty Kafedha - Local and Regional Youth Leader - Milindi, Kenya

"God is using Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry in Malindi, Kenya to change how churches think about and do youth ministry."

Pastor Didier - Pastor - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

"When you made the Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry training so practical, biblical and simple, and then gave us twenty-five books to take home in our own language (French), I began to cry and thank God."

Pasha Koryakin - Russia - JFYM Country Leader

"Helping teenagers find Christ and become discipled in the church is close to my heart because of my own experiences with drug addiction. That is why Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry means so much to Tanya and me. We are training youth leaders to implement it from Siberia to Moscow."

Brian Knight - Kuna, Idaho - Youth Pastor

"The Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry training has provided for us a simple, easily communicated strategy that works. God has used it to help me refocus and head in the right direction."

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